Experience Shopping With Us: Dance Store in Dallas, TX Multiple Brands
Customer service fitting your dance shoes. In Store . We offer Price Matching on a Case by Case basis. So, Contact Us!
(214) 221-4201 (voice and text)
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Customer service fitting your dance shoes. In Store . We offer Price Matching on a Case by Case basis. So, Contact Us!
(214) 221-4201 (voice and text)
635 exits to Karimah :
* From Central 75, take Royal Miller just before the big white bridge at Skillman.
*From Mesquite, take the Plano Road exit.
Hoping this mess is resolved sooner than later!
On site refunds can only be issued on credit card purchases if:
1. Processed thru our Square account.
2. Less than 30 days old (Square policy).
3. We do need the last 4 numbers of the cc to find the transaction.
Waiver: Nov 15-Jan. 31 We extend return policies during this time for the Holidays.
4. Customer has copy of Karizmah ticket of purchase (VERY IMPORTANT)
Most PayPal transactions can be issued on site.
All others: A refund check will be mailed within 7-15 business days if:
1. Over 30 days ( must be approved by manager).
2. No receipt.
3. Cash (We do not keep cash on site for security purposes).
4. Venmo
5. Over $300.
We apologize for any inconvenience. These changes are driven by increasing number of price changes, security issues, CC processor policies, discounts, and refund mistakes.
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Download10875 Plano Rd, #140, Dallas, TX 75238, US
(214) 221-4201 (voice and text) * voice only (214) 221-0442 Lee Ann v and text : 214-673-7906
Open today | 11:00 am – 05:00 pm |
Contact us to book your dance studio fitting or to accommodate big groups driving into town. We'll drive to you! Book with Lee Ann.
Dance Store located 1/2 mile off of I 635 in Dallas, TX . We're located on Plano Rd., North of Miller, at Boomer Circle.
Our focus is that you get a pair of dance shoes that fit your foot properly , and hopefully within your budget too.
We strive to have a selection for you to choose from.
We cater to multiple dance genres, including: Ballroom, Salsa/Bachata, Country Western , West Coast Swing, other Swing Dances, Square Dance, Round Dance, Contra Dance, and more. You can also visit our dance store for latin & ballroom dresses to go along with your dance shoes!
For ballet or tap in the Dallas / Fort Worth area, we suggest you visit Sandy's or Capezio's.
Karizmah Dance Shoes & Boots
Karizmah 10875 Plano Rd #140 Dallas, TX 75238 US
214 221-4201 voice and text * 214-221-0442 voice
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